My TAS group had a basket block swap. We could make up to six baskets to be swapped. I had originally want to make all of mine Baltimore Album style with the album that opens so everyone could write who made their blocks, but I'm afraid that was too ambitious. I only finished two, did a third in Baltimore style, and two I borrowed ideas from a book. The ladies seemed pleased and that was the most important thing.

Here I am with my swapped blocks. It was hard to choose from each of the ladies blocks but I am happy with my five:)

My guild held their fall retreat at West River a couple weekends ago and I was able to attend. This is a few of us Friday night. We had a total of 26 ladies. It is a great place with a nice view of the river.

Some of the ladies are helping a member with the layout of her blocks.

If you ever wanted to see Plymouth Rock, MA here it is. Or at least here is half of it. It is maybe 2 feet tall and 3 or 4 feet wide. My poor hubby expected to see some huge boulder jutting out from the beach. Sorry Jerry. It was exciting, tho, to be in the place where the pilgrims first landed. So much history in Massachusetts.

So, that is the short version of my 8 week absence. Since we are in the holiday season for the next 5 or 6 weeks, I will probably only post twice a week. Also, my quilt guild's show is coming up on March 12 and 13, 2011 and I will be getting very busy with that. There are several of us who have made quilts using Civil War reproductions and since the 150 Anniversary of the war is next year, our guild will be hanging our quilts together as a Civil War display. I am very excited about this. For those of you who live fairly close I hope you will be able to attend this show. We have very talented ladies in our group, which includes traditional and art quilt makers. Some are nationally known with Cathy Kleeman being one of our famous quilters.
Now I am off to see what you have been doing!